September and October Combined Book Haul

My laundry is hanging out to dry and I have narrowed down the books I plan to read for the 24 hour read-a-thon. I got some cleaning done around the house and managed to catch up on some series, patiently waiting for 14:00 to roll by so that I can get stuck into my reading and be deemed “annoying” on my social media platforms. I have about an hour to go so I thought I could do a quick post showing off the books I picked up during September and October.


Harry Potter by JK Rowling

Can we just take a moment to admire the beauty of these Harry Potter covers? They are SO beautiful and I am really excited to be collecting these for my bookshelf. I have read The Tales of Beedle the Bard, The Chamber of Secrets and The Prisoner of Azkaban already as I am sure you have seen here.

Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Sepetys

I cannot express how much I loved this book. It was filled with so much history that I cannot begin to wrap my head around. I have written an in depth review of this book over here if you are interested in knowing a little bit more about this hauntingly beautiful novel, which was based on a true story.

A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness

My apologies for sounding like a broken record, but I adore Patrick Ness’ writing style! This book was such an easy read yet it held so much meaning to it that I find truly special. I have written a short review on this book over here

I am Number Four by Pattacus Lore

This book has been compared to Harry Potter so I had to get it when I saw it on sale at a local bookstore. I loved the cover, which admittedly was the deciding factor on whether or not I should buy it. I haven’t read it yet but I plan to start it real soon.

Cress by Marissa Meyer

I have read Cinder and Scarlet, which I have written reviews on here and here. To me Scarlet was a build up to Cress, so I am really keen to get into this book.

The Pact by Jodi Picoult

Jodi Picoult is one of my favourite authors, probably because my first “big person book” (you know, thick books, with big words and no pictures?) was written by her. Most of the books I’ve read by her was either borrowed from someone else, or is an e-book version; so I really want to get more of her books for my shelf. I have always wanted to read The Pact because it seems like a typical Jodi Picoult story.

The Young Elites by Marie Lu

I have read SO many amazing reviews about this book, so when I saw it was available on The Readers Warehouse I immediately added it to my shopping cart. It was dropped off by the couriers early Monday morning, so you can imagine how slowly the day went by with me so excited to get home and see my precious! ( I said ‘so’ SO many times there, sorry! I am in a rush because I have about 15 minutes left until the read-a-thon begins!!) Anyways, as I was saying, I got home and tore the packaging apart like a pit-bull! I read a few pages and could not put it down! The writing is beautiful, the characters are amazing and the story line is epic!!

Dracula, The Scarlet Letter and Frankenstein

I consider these my lucky buys from last month because I picked them up at a sale for R49 each! These are classics which I have been meaning to read for the longest time, AND they are hardbacks!! I want to get into reading more classics so hopefully this will be a good start for me once I bring myself to pick them up and start reading!

The Paying Guests by Sarah Waters

Another book I bought from The Readers Warehouse because it was a steal for R49! I didn’t know how massive this book was so I was a bit shocked when I opened the package and found it. I am a major fan of historical fiction and this book has been on my radar for quite some time; so I plan to get straight into it after The Young Elites.

And that’s is my combined book haul for September and October! See anything you enjoyed? Drop a comment and let me know!

Don’t forget to follow me for the next 24 hours on these social media platforms as I will be updating regularly on my progress for the 24 hour reading challenge!

Instagram : The Little Blog of STUFF

Twitter : NihaadG

Facebook : The Little Blog of STUFF

Goodreads : Nihaad

– Nihaad

17 thoughts on “September and October Combined Book Haul

  1. Sarah says:

    Great book haul and lovely pics 😀 I recently borrowed The Paying Guests from the library but didn’t realise it was only a 1 week loan 😦 I had to take it back unread! Your classics look like gorgeous editions! I really want to start reading more classics, too! I’m just not sure where to start. I hope you enjoyed the readathon 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • Nihaad says:

      Eeeep!! I love books!!! Always lovely connecting with other bookworms who appreciate books like I do. Agh no that sucks that you didn’t get to read it, I didn’t realise it was such a thick book so I am going to take my time reading through it! The classics I got on sale and I was so happy because they really are beautiful. I would suggest you go for something light first because the classics can be hard to get through :/ If you haven’t already, then you should check out my Instagram account too, where I share some quick thoughts on the books I read 🙂


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